Students, staff, and faculty may prepare for and take certification exams offered through Microsoft at Certified Authorized Testing Center (CATC).

By completing the accreditation procedure as CATC your center will be listed in Certitrain Locator, and after uploading individual exam types, the center will appear also on the Certified public testing locator.

Application for CATC (certified authorized testing center)

The completion and submission of this application form does not guarantee admission to the CATC program. Each submission is evaluated on the basis of geographic and infrastructural criteria

Qualification Criteria for CATC

  • Prepare your testing lab.
  • Original Microsoft licenses to be installed on machines
  • VLE needs to get registration of 100 certification in a year to qualify for the CATC center but we are offering this at minimum registration of 10 successful students.
  • A CATC can be appointed in any region. Attached are infrastructure and other requirements to set up a CATC
  • Register students / working professional for their exam
  • Exams are conducted on compass, an exam delivery system; the process is simple and easy to execute.
  • A CATC would be in the name of CSC or any Government body

Benefits to VLE for CATC

  • Time to time promotional benefit on becoming the CATC center.
  • Once the CATC center is set up by any VLE they can conduct the exam at their center by doing proctoring and exam fees can be charged to students by VLE
  • Time to time cost benefit to VLE on becoming a CATC center
  • Complete orientation program will be conducted for VLEs
  • Increase your exposure to the public by offering a wide variety of exams
  • Visiting test candidates will gain exposure to your center's other services
  • Create additional income for your center

Note - For more information please drop email to [email protected]