The future belongs to those who create. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire, success in the digital age means communicating in visually rich and interactive ways. With a firm grasp on the world’s most powerful creative tools, Adobe Certified Professionals are ready to make their mark.

Adobe Certified Professional is the industry-recognized certification that demonstrates mastery of Adobe Creative Cloud software and must-have knowledge for digital media careers. Each exam is integrated with an Adobe application and designed by experts, allowing for an authentic assessment of job-ready skills.


Students begin making their mark on the world by enrolling in college, entering the wor2kforce, or pursuing their dream.

Regardless of the goal, being prepared is critical to success, and ACP certification helps ensure success by opening doors and providing opportunities that would not otherwise be available.

Resumes with Adobe certifications get noticed and fast-tracked by hiring managers.

Adobe certification is the absolute best way to communicate your proficiency in Adobe products.


Teachers can make their mark on the world by preparing students to do great things and with ACP certification those great things can begin almost immediately.

Students are not the only ones to benefit from ACP certification. Teachers who pursue ACP certification enhance their own teaching credentials by earning an industry-recognized certification.

By becoming ACP certified, teachers elevate their stature in the classroom and provide a model for students in developing employable skills through Adobe certification.

And, it provides the benefits of the Adobe Certified Associate Educator program.

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Animate
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Premiere Pro

Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop

The Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop exam validates entry-level skills in communication corresponding to Photoshop software.

Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver

The Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver exam validates entry-level skills in web design corresponding to Dreamweaver software.

Interactive Media Using Adobe Flash Professional

The Interactive Media Using Adobe Flash Professional exam validates entry-level skills in rich media design corresponding to Flash Professional software.

Video Communication Using Adobe Premiere

The Video Communication Using Adobe Premiere Pro exam validates entry-level skills in communication corresponding to Adobe Premiere Pro software.

Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator

The Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator exam validates entry-level skills in graphic design and illustration corresponding to Illustrator software.

Print & Digital Media Publication Using Adobe InDesign

The Print & Digital Media Publication Using Adobe InDesign exam validates entry-level skills in publishing corresponding to InDesign software.

Does Adobe Offer Certification?

Yes, Adobe offers the Adobe Certified Associate (ACP) certification for validating entry-level skills.

Why was the ACP certificate created?

The workplace demand for digital media skills—creating, managing, integrating, and communicating information by using Adobe’s video, graphic, web, illustration, or design software—is on the rise. The ACP certification program will help educators effectively teach and validate digital communication skills while providing students with credentials that demonstrate real-world prowess to prospective employers and academic institutions.

What are the benefits of becoming ACP certified?

When someone becomes ACP certified, it validates their technical abilities and demonstrates proficiency. Adobe’s ACP certifications are based on research about digital communication skills required by industry, government, and education. The exam objectives reflect the expertise needed to be successful communicators in today’s digital world. In educational settings, industry-recognized certification programs ensure students and teachers are acquiring the knowledge and abilities valued in today’s workplace. For institutions seeking to keep curriculum vitalized and relevant, certification plays a critical role in bridging classroom learning to real world application.

What are the ACP certifications available?

There are six ACP certifications currently available:

  • Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Interactive Media Communication Using Adobe Flash Professional
  • Video Communication Using Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop 
  • Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator
  • Print & Digital Media Publication Using Adobe InDesign

How is an ACP certification earned?

To earn ACP certification an individual must pass a rigorous examination administered through a Certified Authorized Testing Center (CATC). All ACP exams are created with input from Adobe subject-matter exerts and are psychometrically validated. Each Adobe certification exam will correspond to a particular Adobe application used for digital media communication and will represent a single certification.

What is the question format used for ACP exams?

ACP exams validate a test candidate’s knowledge and skill by using two types of questions:

  • Performance-based questions simulate the Adobe application, requiring the student to complete a task or perform a function.
  • Linear-based questions use traditional true/false, multiple-choice or matching formats.

How can I find out what is on the ACP exams?

Learning objectives for the current ACP exams are listed on Adobe’s website:

How do I register to take an ACP exam?

Contact a etrainIndia and register to take your exam. To locate a CATC contact: 011-41099466 | [email protected]

What is the process for a school or institution to become a CATC?

Schools or institutions can easily become CATC and administer ACP exams onsite. To learn more, contact etrainIndia on 011-41099466 | [email protected]

What happens when I pass an ACP exam?

As soon as you pass an ACP exam, your name and exam results are given to Adobe by Certiport. Your exam data is then entered into a database. Within two weeks of passing a certification exam, you will receive an official certificate in the mail with an ACP logo that highlights your accomplishment.

Do ACP certifications expire?

Creative Cloud-based ACP certifications become non-current three years after date of issue.

What is an ACP Classroom and ACP Campus Site License?

Institutions can purchase an ACP Classroom or Campus Site License that includes unlimited use of the ACP certification exams with an upfront, one-time annual cost. The ACP Site License includes unlimited use of the ACP certifications using Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Premier Pro in all available versions. The ACP ClassroomLicense also includes practice test software to prepare your students and staff.

Exams from Home solution is now available. With Exams from Home solution, we use a shared-screen approach that enables immediate assistance to remote test candidates. This remote exam proctoring solution allows test candidates to continue their education experience and earn industry-recognized certifications for college and career success from their home location. It does not require the Exam Administrator or Test Candidate to download any software, including any locally installed software required for Live-in-the-Application exams. An Exam Administrator (Proctor) will administer the exams through a typical exam experience with a high-speed internet connection and almost any computer on a virtual machine.

Products offered

Video based e-learning course + practice test + final test.

Video based e-learning course

LearnKey video courseware enhances the learning experience and increases certification exam success. It provides self-paced on-demand video learning material for the Adobe Certified Professional Program. These expert learning solutions are easy to use and interactive, and help prepare students for certification success.

Practice tests

CertPREP practice tests enhance learning through self-paced practice questions. They build familiarity with the testing environment and increase candidate confidence towards certification exams.

These tests, with include reports and insight features, ensure your students are adequately prepared to take their certification exam.

ACP (Adobe Certified Professional) Test:

Adobe Certified Professional is an industry-recognized certification that demonstrates mastery of Adobe Creative Cloud software and must-have knowledge for digital media careers. Each exam is integrated with an Adobe application and designed by experts, allowing for an authentic assessment of job-ready skills.

The ACP certification enhances student applications and resumes by providing the evidence of competency and proficiency. Earning this level of certification will give students confidence as they continue to pursue professional-level jobs in the future.

  • The above prices are valid for 15 days from the date of this proposal
  • All inventory would be assigned to a CATC (Certiport Authorized Testing Centre) account
  • A CATC account would be created in the name of CSC or any Government body
  • Tests can be taken from a CATC or from home.
  • Prices across the world are subject to change with a notice of 1 month
  • We would need a PO with 100% advance for procurement of any products
  • Our team will conduct an orientation session for you so that you understand the complete execution process
  • Our online support team is available for any technical assistance required